Backup All Important Files

The first thing you need to do is to backup all your important files on your android phone. These include your contacts, calendar, text messages, emails, and other documents. To do this, you can backup your entire contacts folder on your Google account. Back up your other files like your text messages, contacts list, images, videos, and documents from your computer or the internet. Once you have backed up all your folders, the next thing you need to do is to uninstall all the apps that you have installed on your device.

Backup Files in Cloud

After you have uninstalled all the apps, the next step you need to do is to go to the cloud and find the backup file. Your Google account will give you a link that you can use to log into the cloud. This is the final step to backup your data. Once you have logged in to the cloud, you can transfer all your files to your Google account or other cloud storage services.

Restore Important Data

It is a smart move if you store all your backup files in a separate place. This way, if you lose your device, you can still restore your important data. If you are not familiar with the backup process on your android phone, you can ask any of your friends who have an android phone to do it for you. Now, let us move ahead to how to backup and restore your data on your device. There are certain steps that you have to follow.

Check Backup Option and Location

If you want to restore the data, you have to back up the data that is stored in your settings. To do this, you have to go to the settings option. You can tap on the ‘Data’ tab and then look for the backup option there. Once you click on it, you will be asked to choose a location. Once you click on the location, you will be taken to the location where you want to restore your settings. In order to restore the settings, you have to make a copy of them. You have to do it by clicking on the ‘advanced options’ there. Once you click on it, you will be taken to a new screen. Here, you will find a brand new backup option and one which will allow you to select a different folder in which you want to store your backup. The last step is to upload the backup file onto your device via the SD card. You have to follow the instructions that the manufacturer of your android using smartphone gives you. Once you have done this, you can now restore your phone and use it normally again. You can also use cloud solutions to backup your data. These cloud solutions work by storing your data in multiple locations across the globe. When you backup your data using cloud solutions, you have to ensure that your data is always available. You do not want to lose all your important data because of a glitch on the internet or a natural disaster. Thus, these cloud solutions are a good option for backup your data and for restoring it in case of any error on your device.