There are just six basic emojis. The company has not announced whether more emojis will be added in the future. Other services, such as Telegram, provide a large range of emoticons to respond to messages, offering users more ways to express themselves. Nonetheless, emoticons from WhatsApp’s emoji section can be used to express oneself. Gifs and Stickers are also available in the same section. Continue reading to find out how to react to WhatsApp messages.

How to react to WhatsApp messages?

The method is rather simple, and if you haven’t yet learned how to transmit it, please see the step below. If you can’t find the reacts function on WhatsApp, it implies you haven’t gotten it. The platform has already begun to distribute it, so everyone should have it within a few days. At first, open WhatsApp on your smartphone and navigate to any of the available chats. When you long-press on a message, WhatsApp will show you a few basic emojis. Just tap on any of the emojis, and it will show at the bottom of the message. Whenever you add an emoji reaction to a message, WhatsApp tells the recipient. You can also adjust your reaction by going through the same procedure. Just have to long-press on a message. You can also delete your reaction to a message. If you erase the reaction, WhatsApp states no notification will be sent to the message’s sender. WhatsApp has stated that no more than one reaction to a message will be permitted. Furthermore, reactions submitted in response to vanishing messages will vanish once the message is erased. According to the messaging platform, if you try to delete your reaction from a message, the receiver may see it if the deletion process is incomplete.


What’s your opinion on the WhatsApp react feature? Did you like it or it is pointless? Let us know in the comment section below.