Microsoft is the latest technology company to implement this method for its employees. In a recent statement, the business acknowledged that it had made its choice. It has indicated that employees in the United States who desire to return to their places of employment will be required to produce proof of vaccination in order to do so. Beginning in September, the new mandate will be implemented. Except for Microsoft employees, all vendors and visitors to Microsoft’s campus in the United States will be required to adhere to the regulation as well. Only those who have a medical problem or other legitimate cause for not getting vaccinated will be excluded from the requirement to comply with the law. In addition to the new regulation for evidence of vaccination, the business has also extended the timetable for the complete reopening of its offices to December 31, 2018. While it had originally intended to restore its US offices by September 7, Microsoft would now only completely reopen its offices in the United States around October 4. Employees of Microsoft who are parents of children who are too young to be vaccinated will be permitted to work from home until January of the following year, according to the company. The same will be true for those who are responsible for the care of immunosuppressed individuals. Like the business stated in a statement, “as we have done from the beginning of the epidemic, we will continue to closely follow new developments and modify our preparations as the situation changes, always placing employee health and safety at the forefront of our thoughts.” Microsoft is the latest company to announce that evidence of vaccination is required before employees may return to their places of employment. Late this month, Google and Facebook established similar policies for their respective workforces. Both IT behemoths have pushed back the anticipated reopening dates of their headquarters to accommodate a larger staff. In spite of the fact that the offices are open for certain employees, many of the firms have implemented a voluntary work-from-home policy that allows employees to work from their homes or come into the workplace as they see appropriate. Until further notice, the only need for the latter will be documentation of immunization. Google clarified that the rule will only be applied in places where Covid-19 vaccinations have been extensively distributed to the general public, according to its statement. Similarly to Microsoft, both Google and Facebook have stated that the obligation will be based on local legislation as well as the individual’s condition. It would be fascinating to observe how large corporations across the world respond when their employees are asked to return to work once more vaccinations have been provided. Due to the rising adoption of the new mandate, it appears that rejoining workplaces will be the new reason for individuals to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the future.