FOX ransomware descriptionRansomware detailsDetails about the infectionRansomware distributionRemove FOX ransomware instantly

FOX ransomware is relatively a slow virus as it is designed to close all files (if opened) before starting the data encryption process. This actually gives victim some time to detect and stop the ransomware process before all files are locked. The ransomware employs two encryption algorithms – AES-128 and RSA-2048 to secure the files, and once done, they can be decrypted only with keys held by the cybercriminals. The attackers suggest purchasing these keys, or in other words, paying a ransom, which can reach up to $3500, depending on data amount and time the victim needs to pay. The ransom note file, #FOX_README#.rtf, contains instructions on how to recover encrypted files. It states that data was locked due to “bad server security” and suggests buying “unique decryption key and special software” from the criminals. The note also urges to pay as soon as possible, or the data will be deleted after 7 days and data will be lost forever. To learn how to pay the ransom and get access to FOX ransomware decryption tool, the victim is asked to write to each of the three provided emails, and include personal ID in the subject line.;;

The note also instructs attaching three encrypted files to the letter so that the criminals can decrypt them and prove that they actually have tools for data recovery. The crooks also tell that they can “find common language” with the victim and help to restore all data, plus give recommendations on how to configure the server for better security. In case the victim does not receive an answer from the provided emails, the note suggests using given instructions to write them via Bitmessage. If you have been infected by this ransomware, we recommend performing FOX ransomware removal using trustworthy anti-malware tool. Our suggested RESTORO software can help to repair virus damage on Windows OS files.

Ransomware details

FOX ransomware is essentially similar to other ransomware infections such as DHARMA, STOP/DJVU, or XATI. The main difference is that the discussed virus is mainly used in targeted attacks. Viruses that fall into the same category all function the same – they encrypt files and keep them as hostages until the victim pays the ransom. However, we do not recommend paying the ransom as you can never trust cyber criminals. You might never receive decryption tools after paying up, and criminals might try to attack you again for more money.

Details about the infection

Screenshot of desktop wallpaper set by FOX virus: Screenshot of folder containing encrypted data: Contents of the ransom note left by the virus:

Ransomware distribution

FOX ransomware, as part of MATRIX virus, is mainly distributed in targeted attacks using RDP exploits. In other words, the attackers tend to brute-force vulnerable RDP credentials to compromise connections. To protect your computer network against such attacks, RDP should be used very carefully and with proper complexity passwords. In addition, two-factor authentification should be used for maximum security. ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATIONIf yоu did nоt rеcеivе thе аnswеr frоm thе аfоrеcitеd еmаils fоr mоrе then 24 hours please sеnd us Bitmеssаgеs frоm а wеb brоwsеr thrоugh thе wеbpаgе hxxps:// Bеlоw is а tutоriаl оn hоw tо sеnd bitmеssаgе viа wеb brоwsеr:1. Оpеn in yоur brоwsеr thе link hxxps:// аnd mаkе thе rеgistrаtiоn bу еntеring nаmе еmаil аnd pаsswоrd.2. Уоu must cоnfirm thе rеgistrаtiоn, rеturn tо уоur еmаil аnd fоllоw thе instructiоns thаt wеrе sеnt tо уоu.3. Rеturn tо sitе аnd сlick “Lоgin” lаbеl оr usе link hxxps://, еntеr уоur еmаil аnd pаsswоrd аnd click thе “Sign in” buttоn.4. Сlick thе “Сrеаtе Rаndоm аddrеss” buttоn.5. Сlick thе “Nеw mаssаgе” buttоn.6. Sеnding mеssаgе:Tо: Еntеr аddrеss: BM-2cXRWRW5Jv5hxbhgu2HJSJrtPf92iKshhmSubjесt: Еntеr уоur ID: [string]Mеssаgе: Dеscribе whаt уоu think nеcеssаrу.Сlick thе “Sеnd mеssаgе” buttоn. Other common ransomware distribution method is malicious email spam. It typically involves usage of specifically-crafted messages to the victim, often with tone that requires urgent actions (such as open a document, reply to the email after viewing attachment or link contents, and so on). We recommend being extremely cautious and double-checking the sender’s trustworthiness before opening any attachments, plus, never enable document editing or Macros if that is not absolutely necessary. Finally, the crooks insert ransomware executables in illegal online torrent downloads. The most common way is to add these to various software cracks, or, in other words, illegal tools users employ to activate paid software licenses for free. Stay away from such downloads to keep your computer, data and privacy secure.

Remove FOX ransomware instantly

We recommend you to remove FOX ransomware virus as soon as possible using tools recommended below the article. What is more, you may want to use RESTORO for virus damage repair on default Windows OS files. It is a recommended tool that can fix various Windows problems as explained in its review here. FOX virus removal leaves a free way for data recovery procedure. Once you finish with the malware elimination, you can use your external storage devices to restore data that was corrupted. Speaking of FOX decryption tool, such software currently does not exist. OUR GEEKS RECOMMEND Our team recommends a two-step rescue plan to remove ransomware and other remaining malware from your computer, plus repair caused virus damage to the system: editors select recommended products based on their effectiveness. We may earn a commission from affiliate links, at no additional cost to you. Learn more. Get INTEGO ANTIVIRUS for Windows to remove ransomware, Trojans, adware and other spyware and malware variants and protect your PC and network drives 24/7. This VB100-certified security software uses state-of-art technology to provide protection against ransomware, Zero-Day attacks and advanced threats, Intego Web Shield blocks dangerous websites, phishing attacks, malicious downloads and installation of potentially unwanted programs. Use INTEGO Antivirus to remove detected threats from your computer. Read full review here. RESTORO provides a free scan that helps to identify hardware, security and stability issues and presents a comprehensive report which can help you to locate and fix detected issues manually. It is a great PC repair software to use after you remove malware with professional antivirus. The full version of software will fix detected issues and repair virus damage caused to your Windows OS files automatically. RESTORO uses AVIRA scanning engine to detect existing spyware and malware. If any are found, the software will eliminate them. Read full review here.

Alternative software recommendations

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Method 1. Enter Safe Mode with Networking

Before you try to remove the virus, you must start your computer in Safe Mode with Networking. Below, we provide the easiest ways to boot PC in the said mode, but you can find additional ones in this in-depth tutorial on our website – How to Start Windows in Safe Mode. Also, see a video tutorial on how to do it: Instructions for Windows XP/Vista/7 users Instructions for Windows 8/8.1/10 users Now, you can search for and remove FOX ransomware virus files. It is very hard to identify files and registry keys that belong to the ransomware virus, Besides, malware creators tend to rename and change them repeatedly. Therefore, the easiest way to uninstall such type of a computer virus is to use a reliable malware removal program. In addition, we suggest trying a combination of INTEGO Antivirus (removes malware and protects your PC in real-time) and RESTORO (repairs virus damage to Windows OS files).

Method 2. Use System Restore

In order to use System Restore, you must have a system restore point, created either manually or automatically. Instructions for Windows XP/Vista/7 users Instructions for Windows 8/8.1/10 users After restoring the system, we recommend scanning the system with antivirus or anti-malware software. In most cases, there won’t be any malware remains, but it never hurts to double-check. In addition, we highly recommend checking ransomware prevention guidelines provided by our experts in order to protect your PC against similar viruses in the future. Removing spyware and malware is one step towards cybersecurity. To protect yourself against ever-evolving threats, we strongly recommend purchasing a Premium version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, which provides security based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Includes ransomware protection. See pricing options and protect yourself now.

System Mechanic Ultimate Defense If you’re looking for an all-in-one system maintenance suite that has 7 core components providing powerful real-time protection, on-demand malware removal, system optimization, data recovery, password manager, online privacy protection and secure driver wiping technology. Therefore, due to its wide-range of capabilities, System Mechanic Ultimate Defense deserves Geek’s Advice approval. Get it now for 50% off. You may also be interested in its full review.

Disclaimer. This site includes affiliate links. We may earn a small commission by recommending certain products, at no additional cost for you. We only choose quality software and services to recommend.